Join the CSA Crowd!

CSA Share

It’s that time of year again.  When the industrious gardeners begin to plan how they will set up their plot.  They are just itching to get their hands dirty.  I don’t blame them.  In fact, put that on my list of future goals to attempt….be a gardener.

Since my life is full of other activities that I am allowing to consume my time, I will still enjoy the freshest local vegetables by joining a CSA.  Maybe you’re in the same boat that I am.  What is a CSA?  “Community Supported Agriculture.”  A local farmer sets up a program where you purchase a “share” of food that they grow or raise.  Usually this involves picking up your share once a week and enjoying the goods that are in season.  There is nothing like fresh food on your plate!

Each CSA is unique, so be sure to do some research and know what the farm you are buying into is providing.  Some farms offer only vegetables while others also have a meat option.  Last year, the CSA that I was a part of offered vegetables and local food products from the area.  Not only did I receive a head of lettuce, but I also experienced wonderful locally made bread, sausages, pesto, vinaigrettes, eggs, etc.  For foodies like my husband and I, this was a marvelous treat every week.  We also ingested items that we had never even tasted before.  Previous to receiving it in my CSA box, I did not even notice fennel in the produce department at the grocery store.  Folks tried to tell me how great Kimchi was, but I didn’t believe them until it was in my own CSA box.  This process of discovery was exciting.  It was a real-life culinary educational course that tasted amazing along the way.

Have I convinced you yet? To find out the CSA offerings near you, a simple Google search will usually produce results.

What a great opportunity for your family to support a local farmer and be true localvores! What a great topic of conversation in your circle of friends.  In fact, I have some girlfriends who live many miles away, yet we can discuss each of our CSA experiences together.Join the fun!